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Multi Effect Distilled Water Machine SSY-ZS-300L


Product Description

Multi-effect distilled water machine is suitable for several industries, such as pharmaceutical factories, biological research, medical treatment, water for injection factories and so on. CSSY multi-effect distilled water machine adopts the combination of falling film evaporation, multi-stage separation structure and multiple applications of steam to produce water for injection. Between the front and rear effects the rear effect operates at a lower temperature and pressure. Efficiency (measured by the amount of steam required per unit of distilled water produced) increases with the number of effects. CSSY multi effect distillation system are available in a wide range of water volume models and offer customized designs. Multi-effect distilled water machine are key equipment in the preparation of water for injection and are a critical part of the pharmaceutical water system. Therefore, safe and efficient multi-effect distilled water machine are the focus of our customers, and CSSY focuses on them. CSSY' s multi-effect distilled water machine provide online monitoring of water quality and offer GMP consulting services and GMP validation system documentation to reduce maintenance costs for users.

Product features

1. Setting permission hierarchy to prevent staff from accidentally touching. The key position can be real-time monitoring, equipment failure can be automatically alarmed and make a good record.
2. 99% of the machine part of the fully automatic welding equipment and technology, so that the structure of the integration, up and down no moving parts, operation is relatively quiet. And in order to ensure efficient operation at the same time to ensure the stability of the composition of the profile, to extend the service life of the equipment.
3. Fully investigate the use of customers, according to customer demand for product specifications, product technology, system configuration and other customized design, to provide the best product experience.
4. The whole system adopts high-pressure distillation technology to fully separate impurities and improve the quality of water for injection while increasing the water yield of the equipment.

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